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Buying a hearing aid with the contribution of SGK

If the hearing test reveals that you or your relative needs hearing aids, you can purchase hearing aids with the help of the SSI contribution with a Health Board report and prescription to be written by your otolaryngologist.

You should have SGK assurance for this. With your test results, delegation report and prescription, you can come to the Doğuş (LORECA) Hearing Center approved by the Ministry of Health and approved by the Ministry of Health and start your procedures. According to your test results at Doğuş Hearing Centers, hearing aids suitable for your lifestyle or budget are tested by our hearing care professional. You can buy your hearing aid that you choose with satisfaction by taking advantage of SGK contribution. With the contribution of SGK, you may be able to purchase hearing aids for both ears. We recommend you read the following details for this:

If you are using a hearing aid purchased with SGK contribution and you want to renew it with state-of-the-art devices, you can purchase hearing aids by using SGK contribution with re-reports and prescriptions after 5 years after your purchase.

There is no need to make a report when you want to purchase hearing aids without SSI contribution. You can also buy it by printing your prescription to your ENT doctor. In Doğuş Hearing Center, there is a possibility to install a credit card. You can also take advantage of extra discounts or wireless accessories when you buy double devices, by taking advantage of our seasonal or continuous campaigns.

If you are considering purchasing hearing aids for yourself or a loved one, you can call us 4446871 to help you with your report and prescription process.

How to Buy a Hearing Aid with the Contribution of SGK?

If you are within the scope of SGK assurance, you can buy your hearing aid from Doğuş branches by reducing the contribution amount provided by SGK over the hearing aid price. To contribute to the hearing aid price by the SSI; The Health Board Report containing at least 1 (one) Ear Nose and Throat Diseases specialist physician must be prepared by the official health institutions contracted with the institution.

Documents to be brought to Doğuş branches are; The medical board report is the original of the prescription and audiometry test results.

Must be in the report of the health board:

  • The name of the hospital
  • Patient name and surname
  • Patient TC identification number
  • Patient’s date of birth
  • Inspection Date
  • Report date
  • Medula Provision no
  • Report number
  • Diagnosis (ICD10) should be found.

What should be on the prescription:

  • The name and / or facility code of the healthcare provider that issued the prescription,
  • The name and surname of the patient, T.C. Identification number,
  • The date of issue of the prescription,
  • Diagnostic and / or ICD-10 diagnostic code,
  • MEDULA system tracking number or protocol number,
  • The name and surname of the physician, the information including the registration number given by the
  • Ministry of Health, and its wet signature, (Information other than the signature can be written in handwriting, as well as stamping the label / barcode printed by the computer or in hospital automation systems.)
  • Name of the device, side information (right / left), in-ear / out-of-ear use of the device,
  • If there is any change, cancellation or scratch on the information about the doctor, patient, date, protocol number, device, it is the physician’s approval (stamp and signature) regarding the change.
  • SGK contributes TL 1012.5 TL * hearing aid for people over the age of 18. NET SSI contribution made by age and retired / employee status is as follows:
  • If the parent is working for ages 0-4, net 1.458 TL, if the parent is retired 1.640.25 TL
  • If the parent is working for 5-12 years of age, net 1296 TL, if the parent is retired, 1458 TL
  • If the parent is working for ages 13-18, the net is 1215 TL, if the parent is retired 1.366,87 TL
  • For people over the age of 18, the net is 810 TL, if the employee is 911.25 TL

SGK deducts 10% of the retirement salary that retirees should pay, while employees pay 20% of the participation to the company where the device is purchased.

If the ENT physician reports double hearing aids for both ears to children under the age of 18, the SSI contribution doubles.

If hearing aids are used for the first time in adults over the age of 18; On the one hand, when the device benefit is proved 6 months after the device has been used, the second device report can be issued. If he has used the device before; If the health board report states that “it has benefited from the device it used before” and it can be seen in SGK / Medula records at least 5 years ago, SGK contribution can be received for both parties. **

SGK makes a contribution payment for the hearing aid every 5 years. After 5 years, a new device can be bought by issuing reports again.

* These are the numbers determined according to the September 4, 2019 Health Implementation Communiqué. It is valid until a new notification is published on the subject. ** According to the amendment to the Health Practice Communiqué dated 28 December 2018

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