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Razor Pages Web App Tutorial Using ASP NET Core Engineering Education EngEd Program

Server-based code can create dynamic web content on the fly, while a web page
is written to the browser. When a web page is called, the server executes the
server-based code inside the page before it returns the page to the browser. By
running on the server, the code can perform complex tasks, like accessing

Server code can create dynamic HTML content on the fly, before it is
sent to the browser. Seen from the browser, the HTML generated by server code is
no different than static HTML content. From this tutorial, it is clear that razor pages is the default and easy-to-use framework for building server-side, dynamic, and data-driven web pages with a clear separation of concerns.

Creating a razor pages web application

If you want client-side validation on several pages in your web application, then implement the scripts using the Layout file else implement them on the specified razor pages. In the index razor page that displays the list of students, we will create a form element that we will implement using a getrequest. The next thing to do is to add employees class, so right-click on the model class and select Add then select Class.

  • Server-side logic can be written on the Razor Page as well, using the @function directive.
  • Part of the ASP.NET Core web development framework from Microsoft, Razor Pages supports cross platform development and can be deployed to Windows, Unix and Mac operating systems.
  • You can see with above code if you click on “Add Employee” button and pass correct data to avoid the error then data will bind with model and reflect on OnPost handler as following.
  • You have reviewed the contents of the project folder, and you have launched the application in a browser.
  • This results in dependencies and tools required by the project being restored.
  • If you are not a big fan of mixing HTML and C# in a single file or your page logic is becoming more complex, then you are also allowed to put your C# code in a separate file attached to Razor Page.
  • If you are a beginner, you will probably want to start with a framework and language that is easy to learn, well supported and robust.

If you are porting an existing .NET Framework MVC application (MVC5 or earlier) to .NET Core, it may well be quicker or easier to keep with the MVC framework. However, Razor Pages removes a lot of the unnecessary ceremony that comes with the ASP.NET implementation of MVC and is a simpler, and therefore more maintainable development experience. Razor Pages is included within .NET Core from version 2.0 onwards, which is available as a free download as either an SDK (Software Development Kit) or a Runtime. The SDK includes the runtime and command line tools for creating .NET Core applications.

Razor Pages vs MVC

In this video, we’ll create a complete request/response experience using a single Razor Pages endpoint. We can start with the ASP.NET Razor Pages template installed asp net razor tutorial with .NET. If you want a dynamic web site, that is one where the content is regularly being added to, you have a number of options available to you.

  • This is an almost similar idea as we had in ASP.NET Web Forms in the past where we were adding all the C# code in a code-behind file.
  • Amend the project name options and the location where the project files will be created to suit your needs.
  • RoutingAs compared to MVC routing, Razor Page routing is very simple.
  • You can download .NET Core SDK 2.0 from Here and update your Visual Studio using “Visual Studio Installer”.
  • You should download the SDK (Software Development Kit), which is needed for building .NET Core applications.

HandlersWe use handlers to perform server side operations like getting the data, posting the data. These handlers are something like Http Verb we used in MVC like Get(), Post() etc. https://remotemode.net/ TemplatingThe common Razor template is same as MVC like “_viewStart.cshtml”, “_layout.cshtml”, “about.cshtml” etc., but only folder structure has changed here with Razor Pages.

More About C# and Visual Basic

Our next step is to implement our OnPost method, which will process our incoming form data, and assign it to our TempData property. After storage, we want to redirect the page to the OnGet handler of our page. Redirecting is an essential part of web development, as it avoids the additional POST requests when we refresh a URL in our browser session. You can still choose to use ASP.NET Core MVC to build your ASP.NET Core web applications.

It doesn’t mean that you need to dump MVC totally and migrate your complete application to Razor Pages. Razor Pages are good for simple page-centric scenarios only and you still have to stick to the MVC pattern if you are building complex pages with a lot of functionality. Razor Pages are self-contained files similar to PHP files, XAML controls, or ASP.NET Web Forms and as compared to MVC, they follow a different approach of building web pages using ASP.NET Core. They allow developers to mix HTML and server-side C# directly within a single file without the need of creating Controllers, View Models, etc. These pages can coexist with traditional MVC and Web API controllers within the same project and can be used for scenarios where you need to build simple pages without too much logic in them.

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