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Can you really hear it?

Having a regular hearing test ensures early diagnosis of a potential hearing loss, thereby preventing irreversible losses. When was the last time you had a hearing test?

What is hearing loss?

Hearing loss negatively affects our daily life

Even the simplest conversations can be very troublesome for a person with hearing loss. These people need to do more than necessary to follow a conversation with many participants. It is difficult to actively communicate and isolates the person.

There may be many causes of hearing loss. But most of them are possible.

Hearing Loss Causes

Hearing loss can occur from damage to one or more parts of the ear.

  • External ear

Losses from the outer ear

Hearing loss due to the outer ear (A) occurs as a result of an external ear canal infection or earwax causing blockage in the canal. These problems are often very easy to solve. However, good and early intervention is important for hearing damage to be permanent.

  • Middle ear

Losses from the middle ear

Infection, fluid accumulation behind the eardrum, eardrum holes (perforation) and otosclerosis (solidification of the middle ear bones) are the most common causes of hearing loss due to middle ear (B). Outer and middle ear problems can be effectively corrected by medical or surgical means. If this is not possible, permanent hearing loss can be easily compensated with hearing aids.

Hearing losses due to outer and middle ear problems generally cause conductive hearing loss.

  • Inner ear

Losses from the inner ear

Most hearing loss is caused by the inner ear (C). The most common problem is age-related hearing loss. However, severe noise, some medications or skull fractures can negatively affect people’s hearing. This type of damage is caused by a problem with the transfer of sound to the auditory nerve. Hearing loss due to inner ear is generally not medically treated. However, hearing can be corrected by using hearing aids.

Hearing loss caused by inner ear problems is sensorineural type.

Both sensorineural and conductive hearing losses occur by affecting the inner ear and other areas, and this type of hearing loss is called mixed hearing loss.

Did you know these?

How does nature protect the eardrum?
The eardrum is a highly sensitive membrane where nature has criticized several protection measures for itself.
Serumen (Earwax)
The outer part of the auditory canal contains sweat and sebaceous glands.
These glands produce a wax-like substance called serum or earwax. In this name, it retains bacteria and dust. The serum is produced only in a third of the outer part of the auditory canal and progresses gradually towards the mouth of the auditory canal, where it is cleaned.

Protective hairs in the hearing canal
The outer part of the auditory canal is covered with thin hairs that act as a curtain, protecting the eardrum against dirt and dust. Dust particles or bacteria that penetrate these protective hairs are trapped by the wax.

Hearing channel
In addition, the eardrum is protected by the curved shape of the auditory canal; This curved shape prevents the flexes from entering the ear accidentally and damaging the eardrum.

Ear – The Key To Social Life

Hearing connects us to our family, friends and all the people around us …

Hearing is the most important part of our communication in daily life. Yet few of us realize the role that the ear, which is actually a rather complicated organ, plays in our lives.

Ear Anatomy

The ear consists of three main parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear.

Parts of the ear:

  • Auricle
  • Outer ear canal
  • Eardrum
  • Hammer
  • Anvil
  • Eustachian tube
  • Stirrup
  • Semicircular canals
  • Cochlea
  • Hearing nerve

Facts and Figures

Around 800 million people in the world have hearing loss problems (approximately 1 in 6 people). As of 2015, this number is estimated to reach 1.1 billion.

Many studies have shown that 65% of these people have mild, 30% moderate and 5% severe hearing loss.

Another issue proved as a result of the studies is that only 1 in 5 users of hearing aids benefit enough from their devices. The main reason for this is the lack of proper device selection and irregular use.

Congenital hearing loss is considerably high at 1.64 per 1000 births. Delayed diagnostics and devices negatively affect language-language, speech, communication, psychosocial development, and thus school and academic success in children.

Do not be late for hearing test …

Noises help you …
The noises and various voices we hear around us help us determine our direction. The sound of the steps while walking gives information about the place we are in. Car voices allow us to avoid possible dangers when walking on the street. Also, many sounds and noise are related to the information in our memory.

Have you ever thought about what a summer day without bird sounds or an autumn day without hearing rustling?

Do not be late…

According to the general average, people with hearing problems wait about 10 years before getting help. Few of them take the necessary decision in a timely manner and actively seek to improve their hearing levels and improve their quality of life.

Hearing Loss Degrees

Mild hearing loss
Low volume sounds cannot be heard. In noisy environments, the level of understanding speech is reduced.

Moderate hearing loss
Low and medium sounds are inaudible, understanding speech becomes very difficult when there is noise in the background.

Severe hearing loss
The person’s speech sounds have increased. Conversations within the group are understandable but require a lot of effort.

Severe hearing loss
Some very loud sounds can be heard. It is now impossible for people to participate in conversations without a hearing aid.
Results of Hearing Loss
Hearing losses can have very important and varied consequences …

The details we encounter in daily life with the developing world make life more difficult for everyone. If you have a hearing loss, you may even need to make an effort to have conversations, meetings, phone calls or watch TV with your loved ones. In such situations, most people with hearing loss withdraw from social life and isolate themselves. Quality of life drops noticeably.

Recognizing hearing loss

If you have hearing loss, one of the first steps you should take is to try a modern hearing aid. The sooner you realize your hearing loss and start looking for a solution, the sooner you will protect your hearing and you will start improving your quality of life. Together with a hearing care professional, you can find a hearing aid that best meets your personal needs.

To raise your life quality …
Hearing aids let you enjoy life again

World-wide studies prove that hearing loss negatively affects daily life: More than half of the people who participated in the study and did not use hearing aids stated that they sometimes felt lonely and that their quality of life decreased.

It has been proven that a hearing aid that has been adjusted appropriately for the person has a very positive effect on the quality of life. Hearing aid allows you to enjoy life as before.

Learn more about our products

Hearing Control

The short list below will give you an idea of ​​whether you have certain hearing problems.

If you answer YES to any of the questions below, you may face hearing loss.

When watching television with others, do you feel the need to turn up your voice more than others?

Do you often ask people to repeat what they say?

Do you feel that other people are talking in a whisper or chattering the words in their mouths?

Do you have trouble following the conversations when there is a noise in the background or when many people talk at the same time?

Do your family and friends ask you if you have a hearing problem?

Do you avoid attending friend meetings or parties because there is a lot of noise or you do not understand the conversations in the environment?

Do you have difficulty understanding what is usually spoken in the car, restaurant or any noisy environment?

Do you feel you are stressed or tired when you have to follow the conversations or have to listen for a long time?

Do you need to sit close to the speakers at meetings or family meals?

Do you have difficulty hearing and understanding conversations when you cannot establish eye contact?

Difficult to identify the source of sounds?

For a professional hearing test, contact our nearest specialist.

First Interview with Your Hearing Care Professional

What should you expect from seeing an audiologist, audiologist or ear-nose-throat doctor?
You may have problems with what to experience during a meeting with a specialist. As we prepare for your first interview, we would like to give you a few details that can help you through this process.

It is appropriate to make an appointment of about 1 hour for you to meet. You can ask a friend or relative to come with you. Most people feel more comfortable this way. Having a familiar face with you will support you if communication problems occur.

The audiologist, audiologist or ear-nose-throat doctor will first examine your ear to see if there is a condition like ear discharge or infection.
Hearing test

After the examination, the audiologist, audiologist or ear-nose-throat doctor will give you a hearing test. Some of the headphones you wear will hear some loud and low sounds. All you have to do during this process is to press the button as soon as you hear a sound or to alert the hearing care professional.

After the examination and hearing test, the hearing care professional will inform you about your loss.

Personalization of hearing aids

The hearing aid is extremely personal. Hearing aids can be customized in many ways

Setting up a hearing aid for you consists of several steps. Throughout this personal process, the device is adjusted to your hearing loss, the shape of your ear, and your daily activities. In this way, the most suitable settings for you are obtained.

Step 1: Meeting with a hearing care professional or ENT doctor
First, a hearing care professional or ENT doctor will give you a hearing test to see if you have a hearing loss. Then, using the result of your hearing test, it determines the type and degree of your hearing loss, individually for each ear. Finally, it shares the most appropriate technological solutions with your needs.

When choosing the hearing aids and technologies you will start using, your specialist will consider the degree of your hearing loss, the shape of your ear canals, your personal needs, taste and budget. It helps you choose from many alternatives and benefits, such as in-ear or behind-the-ear, digital or FM. In addition, your specialist takes the mold of your ear so that the device you choose fits seamlessly in your ear.

Step 2: Customizing and adjusting hearing aids
After your specialist prepares your hearing aid, it places it on your ear and adjusts it to your hearing loss and personal preferences. It shares the instructions for use with you in detail: it shows you how to attach the device, how to use it, how to adjust the volume. It also gives you information on issues such as battery replacement, cleaning and maintenance of your device. Finally, it tells you how your device will perform in different listening environments. You are now ready to use your devices.

Your first steps with your hearing aid
The first days will pass by getting used to your device. In the beginning, you should use the device for a few hours a day in environments where you are used to. Some oddities may attract your attention during this time. The best way to overcome these differences is to talk to those around you and watch television. As you are used to talking loudly to hear your own voice, your voice may sound different or loud to your ear. Try to speak louder. Make a note of your experiences; these notes will be useful for future adjustments that your specialist will make.

Fine adjustments made by your specialist
After a certain period of use, you can share your first experiences with your hearing care professional and ask your specialist to fine-tune your device to your specific needs. The specialist will answer all your questions and give you general advice. At the end of this call, your hearing aid will be adjusted for more comfortable use and better understanding of speech.

Step 3: using the hearing aid
In this step, you will see that the quality of your daily life is gradually increasing. Continue using your hearing aid for several hours a day. Do not hurry. You will be fully enjoying and enjoying your device very soon.

If you have any questions or problems, you can contact your hearing care professional without hesitation.

Modern Hearing Solutions

Hearing solution is more than a hearing aid
When a modern hearing aid is used with an accessory, it has a wider usage area. For example, with Phonak FM technology, you can take advantage of the wireless features of your device and customize your device according to your needs. You can enjoy a new hearing level without background noise or chirping. You can choose the ones that suit your device from a wide range of accessories and start using them immediately.

Hearing Devices

A LORECa for everyone …

As LORECa, we believe that everyone should benefit from the advanced technology we have. That’s why there is a LORECa suitable for all levels of hearing loss, for every budget, for all ages and for every lifestyle. Discover the benefits of extensive LORECa products. Test the superior quality and performance of LORECa technology.

Care and cleaning of your hearing aid
Hearing aids – reveals the world of words and sounds
Hearing aids – strengthens your sense of hearing in a whole new way
Hearing appliances – improves quality of life

Choosing a Hearing Aid

Hearing loss when giving a hearing aid to a patient; type, level, age and environment in which it operates. Specialists should choose the hearing aid. Hearing aids; Behind-the-ear (BTE) is divided into six as in-ear, in-canal, bottom canal, glasses type and pocket type.

a) Audio Test
The audio test consists of five parts. These;
1- Threshold test
2- Uneasy sound level
3- The most comfortable sound level
4- Bone pathway hearing threshold
5- The most perceived level with human voice

b) Pure Tone
Hearing loss should be stopped, slowed down, the person using the hearing aid should be able to perceive the sounds comfortably, the disturbing sounds should be cut off and the noise should be discarded into the background. When using a hearing aid, the technical features of the device must be known. The brain needs pure sound due to its natural structure. Detection cannot be provided if environmental noise suppresses human noise. This both tires the brain and destroys the nervous system. Especially children have a serious or positive effect on the natural intelligence development process.
Therefore, simple hearing aids, especially for relaxing purposes in the far east, do not give this efficiency. Maybe the user will feel relieved for 3–5 months, but after a while the problem of perceiving the sound starts again. Patients who get used to the devices that give noise can get used to the devices that give pure tone only in the long term.

c) Compatible device
Hearing aid should be selected based on the patient’s hearing loss type, level, age and environment. In general, the patient chooses the hearing aid, not the patient. The patient’s position is very important when choosing PP, AGCO, AGCi – K-amp or Digital device. It must be decided by the expert of the work.

d) Setting the device
Hearing aids that are not adjusted are standard devices. The patient’s need for thick and thin sounds, changing losses in frequency domains and the need for sound can only be possible with hearing aid adjustment.
In addition, the patient’s disturbed sounds and the need for changing voices or disturbing loudness are only possible with hearing aid adjustment. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the sensing point of people who are sensitive, and the disturbing sounds are close to each other.

When these four conditions are not met, the hearing aid ceases to be useful and becomes an annoying tool. General problem of patients who buy random hearing aids from the market; excessive noise and headaches. In order to get the maximum benefit from hearing aids, it should be diagnosed early and then using a hearing aid.

Especially children need to start using it in time to start talking. Starting to use the hearing aid late may decrease its benefit. In other words, the benefit decreases as the loss increases. The period when children benefit most from the hearing aid is between 0-3 years old.

It should never be forgotten to hear; speaking, thinking and intelligence are one of the basic functions of development. In children who do not use hearing aids on time; It has been observed that mental retardation, lack of development and irreparable results have consequences. In adults, problems such as memory impairment, language forgetfulness, speech impairment, irritability and depression in later years occur.

Hearing Aid Use

Do not use a random device without the approval of the otolaryngologist and hearing healthcare professional. Using a random hearing aid may cause your existing hearing loss to progress or cause you to lose your hearing completely.

Regardless of the model of the Hearing Aid, good and careful use reduces your problem and also helps prolong the life of your device.

Have a hearing test at least twice a year. Be sure to use the hearing aid at the appropriate volume. For example; increasing the volume in noisy environments can make it difficult to understand.

The Hearing Aid you use should be compatible with your ear and the necessary device settings should be made.

Do not leave the hearing aid and batteries out of the reach of children and pets.

Get detailed information about the usage of your hearing aid from your hearing health center. Do not use your hearing aid in places where there is a risk of explosion.

Take your hearing aid out of CT and MR shots.

When the maximum sound pressure level exceeds 132 dB, special care must be taken when wearing the hearing aid. There may be a risk of a decrease in your current hearing level.

Contact your hearing care professional to confirm that your hearing aid is suitable for your hearing loss.

Allergic reactions are not observed in hearing aid users. If a sensation such as burning, pain, or rash occurs around the ear, consult your doctor and inform your hearing care professional.

Please read the user manual before use…

Note: You can benefit from our free maintenance and cleaning services every 6 months.

Recommendations to protect your hearing aid

1. Ear hygiene
Always be sure to maintain ear hygiene. For a general professional medical ear check, please ENT
contact your specialist.

2. Avoid contact with hairspray or make-up. Spraying the hairspray or scattering the make-up powder can shut off microphone holes, volume control, or program control buttons completely.
Remove your hearing aid before using body care products.

3. Protect your hearing aid from dirt Before you touch your hearing aid, keep your hands clean and dry.
Be careful. The microphone holes are extremely small and if the hearing aids are not properly held
can close completely.

4. Avoid dropping
Avoid dropping your device on hard surfaces. In this case, especially when cleaning your hearing aid or
You may encounter it while replacing its batteries. Against the risk of your device falling from your hands,
Be sure to do the installation or removal procedures on a soft surface.

5. Protect your hearing aid from intense heat Take care not to expose your hearing aid to intense heat. Protect the device from direct sunlight (at home or in a parked vehicle) and be careful not to leave it near the heaters.

however, they can not be used for a long time if used carelessly or if they are not properly maintained. The following pages contain suggestions for protecting your hearing instruments.

Things to pay attention

Hearing Devices are composed of sensitive micro electronic parts; Protect against breakage, impact, falling, moisture and water.

Do not give your hearing aid to maintenance, other than authorized service. Otherwise, even if your hearing aid is covered by the warranty, it will be excluded from the warranty, as intervention is made by another service.

Do not store your hearing aid and batteries under the sun or near fire or throw them into a fire. Do not put your hearing aid in contact with water (do not enter the water when it is attached to your ear, protect from rain, etc …)

Use drying tablets against moisture. Use a maintenance kit to prevent the hearing aid from wearing out and to prolong its life.

When you use hair spray or similar hair care products on your hair, please remove your device. When you sweat excessively, remove your device. Otherwise, sweat may break the device.

Do not use in-canal hearing aids without filters. Do not insert a pin or thin object into the microphone of the hearing aid.

Batteries that have expired should be returned to the vendors. Never throw it into the environment or trash. When putting the hearing aid in its case (ear mold, horn etc.), make sure that the apparatus is not pinched or bent.

Do not try to dry your moist or wet hearing aid with a hair dryer or similar dryers or heaters. Dry the outside of the hearing aid with a dry cloth, open the battery cover, remove the battery and let the device dry itself.

When you are not using your hearing aid, remove the batteries. Otherwise, oxidation may occur or the device may be seriously damaged.

To prolong battery life, keep the battery cover open when you are not using the hearing aid. This also allows the moisture in the chamber to evaporate.

In the rare event that any part remains in the ear canal after removing the hearing aid, consult a doctor immediately.

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